What's going on? Shaping the Future of Rural Europe: ELARD at the Forefront of Renewed Rural Policies News10 March, 2025ELARD Joins OpenEU to Strengthen Higher Education Access in Rural Areas News27 February, 2025ELARD Knowledge Hub: A Year of Growth and Collaboration News29 January, 2025ERP MID-TERM EVENT News21 January, 2025Happy Holidays from ELARD Knowledge Hub! News23 December, 2024ELARD General Assembly 2024 in Brussels: End of the French Presidency and Welcome to the New President News9 December, 2024Youth in LEADER Community: 2024 Highlights and Plans for 2025 News30 November, 2024Final Conference of the Transnational LEADER Cooperation Project “LEADER/CLLD: Our Common Future” News15 November, 20242024 ELARD Declaration on the Future of CLLD within European policies News28 October, 2024COM4LGD Project: Driving Local Green Transformation and Social Innovation News28 October, 20242024 European LEADER Congress News9 October, 2024Strategic Dialogue on the Future of EU Agriculture: A Groundbreaking Consensus and Pathway for rural development. News6 September, 2024LEADER Youth Community: Join the Movement! News6 September, 2024DigiMedFor in Barcelona: A Resounding Success! News1 July, 2024Explore the New ELARD Knowledge Hub Insight Web Section News28 June, 2024Cohesion Policy must also serve rural development News23 May, 2024New webinar – Renovation Roadmaps News17 May, 2024LAG Montagnappennino’s journey: Balancing Challenges and Innovations News30 April, 20242023 EUROPEAN LEADER CONGRESS booklet News10 April, 2024Report on the Long-Term Vision: A first recognition for LEADER-CLLD and a future to build with rural areas News8 April, 2024SAVE THE DATE – 2024 European LEADER congress ! News27 March, 2024Celebrating International Forest Day: Transforming the Future of Forestry News21 March, 2024Empowering Rural Women: Insights from Romania News27 February, 2024“Managing LEADER is not an extra economic cost but an investment in the regions” – interview with Eduardo Serrano Padial, Evaluator of the Unit A3 “Policy Performance” of the DG AGRI of the European Commission News15 February, 2024International Day of Clean Energy: Embracing Sustainability Today News26 January, 2024Rural Toolkit on EU Funding News25 January, 2024Reflects Successfully on 2023 News23 January, 2024European LEADER Congress 2023 – VIDEO News16 January, 2024European LEADER Awards 2023 News16 January, 20242023 EUROPEAN LEADER CONGRESS News22 December, 2023Explore Our New Web Section News24 November, 2023The EU Council approves conclusions of the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas News21 November, 2023The European Commission reaffirms the importance and effectiveness of LEADER News20 November, 2023The Logroño declaration – Ensuring the developement of thriving and vibrant rural areas News17 November, 20232023 EUROPEAN LEADER CONGRESS News24 October, 2023ELARD’s opinion: LEADER and CLLD within European politics post 2027 News10 October, 2023Geography of discontent of “places that don’t matter” News10 October, 2023EC4RURAL project News21 September, 2023Welcome to the ELARD Knowledge Hub News20 September, 2023Introducing the EU Horizon project DigiMedFor News13 July, 2023Get ready for the 2023 European LEADER Congress! News12 July, 2023Our news from May to June 2023 News3 July, 2023New report on defining Functional Rural Areas and rural transitions News1 June, 2023ELARD is looking for a senior expert for RENOVERTY project News10 May, 20234th meeting – Role of place-based policies and development strategies News9 May, 2023 News2 May, 2023What’s been happening at ELARD since January News17 April, 2023Meet Thibaut Guignard, ELARD’s new President News30 March, 2023Opinion “Targets and tools for a smart rural Europe” adopted by the Committee of the Regions News20 March, 2023University of Galway launches European project to enhance women’s role in rural life – ELARD is one of the partners News12 January, 2023New years greetings News31 December, 2022Rural observatory launched! News9 December, 2022ELARD is hiring Communicator for EKEP News8 December, 2022RENOVERTY – addressing building related interventions for vulnerable districts News2 December, 2022Stakeholder Consultation on the CoR opinion on Targets and tools for a smart rural Europe News23 November, 2022ELARD at Share SIRA conference News23 November, 2022The Handbook of Territorial and Local Development Strategies is published News22 November, 2022Presentations and documentation from the 13th OECD Rural Development ConferenceOECD News19 November, 2022ELARD has elected council and president for 2023-24 News3 November, 2022ELARD is hiring Project Coordinators News21 October, 2022RUSTIK will run 14 Living Labs to foster sustainability transitions in rural communities News14 October, 2022Cross-Border Community Led Local Development: The success of territorial living labs in Interreg Italy-Austria News3 October, 2022Advancing gender equality in rural areas in the EU News21 September, 2022Time to find a new development-paradigm says the Rural Peoples Declaration of Kielce. News19 September, 2022Opening of the European Rural Parliament News12 September, 2022Rural Proofing – Final Outputs of ENRD Thematic Group News12 August, 2022Rural Barometer- survey News8 July, 2022Rural Pact – New beginnings or business as usual? News1 July, 2022Out now: Contribution of European rural areas to the European Commission’s 8th Cohesion Report News1 July, 2022Take the chance to go to the European Rural Parliament News18 May, 2022Rural Pact – We want to hear from you! News17 May, 2022Call for experts! News15 May, 2022ECOLISE, in partnership with ELARD, and the support of the EU Climate Pact and the ClimACT project organizes EU Green Week partner event News11 May, 2022L’écomusée du Sel et les Mamas Shingos de Bandrélélé – AWARD FOR GENDER EQUALITY News11 May, 2022Balkan Rural Development Network shortlisted for the Emerging Europe Awards 2022 News10 May, 2022Stakeholder Consultation on the CoR opinion “Enhancing cohesion policy support for regions with geographic and demographic handicaps “ News10 May, 2022 News10 May, 2022Advancing gender equality in rural Europe through the CAP Strategic Plans workshop invitation News10 May, 2022Wishing you a peaceful Europe Day 2022! News9 May, 2022Focus on the women of Trizs – AWARD FOR GENDER EQUALITY News28 April, 2022Animation and artistic production – AWARD FOR GENDER EQUALITY News22 April, 2022We have a new project manager! News21 April, 2022Concilia – AWARD FOR GENDER EQUALITY News20 April, 2022Education offense for women – Award for Gender Equality News11 April, 2022EESC opinion on the Long Term Vision adopted News23 March, 2022European Evaluation shows LEADER effective News21 March, 2022LEADER Seminary in France Held on 7-8th of March News12 March, 2022General Assembly in St Brieuc, France held on 7th of March News10 March, 2022Winners of European LEADER Award for Gender Equality News9 March, 2022Solidarity declaration for the people of Ukraine News1 March, 2022Committee of the Regions launches opinion on the Long Term Rural Vision News27 January, 2022Apply now for the European LEADER Award for Gender Equality! News18 January, 2022The Launch of the Rural Pact News20 December, 2021Halmstad Declaration contributes to the Conference of the Future of Europe News12 December, 2021ELARD is hiring Project Coordinator News10 December, 2021The 2022 Presidency of ELARD established at the General Assembly in Halmstad, Sweden News1 December, 2021French senate proposes a European Rural Agenda to address the “geography of discontent” News5 November, 2021ERP Midterm took place virtually on the 27th of October News28 October, 2021Opinion from EESC NAT/820 ‘Towards a holistic strategy on sustainable rural/urban development’ was adopted News21 October, 2021ELARD Members Meeting 5th of October News6 October, 2021ELARD participated at “Smart Villages for a Green, Digital and Resilient Europe” International Conference News4 October, 2021The international LAG Forum was held in Krško, Slovenia on Thursday and Saturday (30. 9. and 2. 10. 2021) News3 October, 2021Health access in rural areas: The need for a Long-Term Vision in Europe News24 September, 2021Task force Added Value News10 September, 2021Join the social media campaign to draw attention to #LEADER30years News10 September, 2021WELCOME TO LEADER 30 YEARS CELEBRATION & CONFERENCE News8 September, 2021ELARD participated in round table at Startup Olé event in Salamanca News7 September, 2021Standing up for LEADER in South East Europe! News25 August, 2021A journey through evaluation plans: Learning from past experiences for the future CAP – Report News18 August, 2021International Forum of LAG and Conference: Smart Villages for a Green, Digital and Resilient Europe, 30. 9. – 2. 10. 2021 News30 July, 2021The Long Term Vision: Building The Future for Remote Areas! News6 July, 2021Civil dialogue with rural citizens on the future of Europe hosted in Germany News1 July, 2021The Long Term Vision for Rural Areas communicated – time for member states to get active! News1 July, 2021CAP agreement in the trialogues! News30 June, 2021Long Term Rural Vision News24 June, 2021“Towards a holistic strategy on sustainable and equitable rural/urban development” News22 June, 2021 News17 June, 2021Implementing cohesion policy funds through multi-Fund CLLD News13 June, 2021Experiences and lessons learned by regions and cities during the COVID-19 crisis News13 June, 2021 News11 June, 2021Local Governance – Community Led Local development pane in Greece News4 June, 2021Towards a holistic strategy on sustainable and equitable rural and urban development News4 June, 2021Get out of Town – Fill the Rural Energy Gap – You can still register to the webinar News1 June, 2021Conference on the Future of Europe News28 May, 2021ELARD welcome Kosovo and Luxembourg as new members! News20 May, 2021Europe-Day greetings from ELARD News9 May, 2021Opinion “Experience and lessons learned by regions and cities during the COVID-19 crisis” adopted by the Committee of the Regions News7 May, 2021Rural Semester as a Tool to Deliver a Truly Holistic Policy for Rural Areas News28 April, 2021Initiative to ensure that world art can be seen in rural village as the winner – competition “Dižprojekts 2020” News13 April, 2021Succesful Fringeworkshop “Resilient rural communities for a viable Europe – A viable Europe through local democracy and participatory approaches in all rural areas and beyond” News25 March, 2021Press release by the Committee of Regions and the RUMRA & Smart Villages Intergroup News23 March, 2021LEADER 30 years old today! News15 March, 2021EU-wide LEADER-Evaluation News10 March, 2021SHERPA’s contribution to the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas News10 March, 2021The 5th ERP Gathering in Kielce, Poland, postponed News10 March, 2021ELARD Members meeting took place 3.3.2021 News3 March, 2021Fifth implementation report of the CoR’s RegHub Network just published News5 February, 2021ELARD General Assembly 3.2.2021 News4 February, 2021Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! News12 December, 2020Meet ELARDs new council! News11 December, 2020ERP Members meeting on 10th of December News11 December, 2020ELARD is hiring! Prolongued call! News11 December, 2020Rural areas have demonstrated worthiness and resilience but need support for their recovery News10 December, 2020Still time to give input on the LTVRA! News10 December, 2020Letter from Mr Wojciechowski News10 December, 2020Second meeting of the ENRD Thematic Group on the Long term Vision on Rural Areas News3 December, 2020SHERPA Annual Conference 30-1/12 News2 December, 2020News from Slovenia News30 November, 2020Now is time to create at EU level the enabling conditions for vibrant, attractive, and resilient rural and mountainous areas News27 November, 2020SHERPA EU Multi Actor Platform met again News19 November, 2020ELARD president meets with Commissioner of Democracy and Demography on 17th of November News17 November, 2020ERP Partners Meeting on 17th of November News17 November, 2020ERP steeringgroup met on 11th of November News11 November, 2020Finnish National LEADER Day with guests from all over Europe on 4th of November News4 November, 2020REDR launches the course “A new rural scenario: SDGs, 2030 Agenda and LEADER” for the achievement of sustainable development in rural areas (certified by United Nations) News26 October, 2020New leaflet on good practice in using CLLD/LEADER as a multilevel governance tool published! News22 October, 2020ELARD as membersorganisation in RUMRA and smart villages Intergroup News21 October, 2020Succesful EWRC-week for ELARD News15 October, 2020Members meeting on the 7th of October News7 October, 2020With 3 436 answers from 26 different countries, ELARD with REDR are proud to announce the publication of our latest report! News30 September, 2020Long Term Vision for Rural Areas News29 September, 2020List of events where ELARD with partners are present at European Week of Regions and Cities – register latest on 7th of October News28 September, 2020The European Green deal Thematic Group first meeting held on 28th of September News28 September, 2020ELARD Members meeting on 10th of September News10 September, 2020First meeting with the European Multi Actor Platform of SHERPA took place 15th of July News16 July, 2020ELARDs Members Meeting with update on European Policy and Budgetary Issues concerning CLLD completed with 23 participants from 21 countries took place 15th of July News16 July, 2020A vision for rural Europe – Harnessing the potential of rural areas to contribute to a sustainable & prosperous Europe News7 July, 2020First ERP-members meeting 2020-21 News1 July, 2020ELARD participated in the CDG meeting on 4th of June News29 June, 2020ELARD participated in the CDG meeting 9th June on the Farm to Fork Strategy News29 June, 2020The Association for the Świętokrzyskie Rural Area Development, Poland will host the ERP-gathering 2021 News26 June, 2020EKEP – ELARD Knowledge Exchange Platform is looking for cooperation possibilites! News26 June, 2020See the LEADER/CLLD Playlist from ENRD on YouTube News5 June, 2020ELARD contributed to the ENRD LEADER Thematic Lab on ‘Maintaining and widening stakeholder engagement’ News5 June, 2020Many ELARD Members involved in Smart Rural 21 News5 June, 2020ELARD praticipated in the 12th thematic Group meeting on ‘Smart Villages’ News5 June, 2020What future do you want in rural areas? – Take part in the survey now in your own language! News5 June, 2020ELARD had its first virtual General Assembly on the 27th of May News5 June, 2020“The Voice of Rural Europe for the future of Europe” published on the 9th of May News8 May, 2020Results from Survey “CLLD in times of Corona” is published! News8 May, 2020ELARD supports the new position of European Countryside Movement News5 May, 2020Meeting of the CDG Rural Development – News7 February, 2020High-level conference “Engaging citizens for good governance in Cohesion Policy” News6 February, 2020Meetings on European Rural Parliament (ERP) in cooperation with ERCA and PREPARE News21 January, 2020A LEADER Journey through Rural Europe News26 December, 2019ELARD GA elects new presidency in Amarante, Portugal News12 December, 2019The first LEADER LAG in China was established in Xingguo, Jiangxi Province News12 December, 2019LEADER/CLLD 2019 Conference in Amarante, Portugal News5 December, 2019About the need of a real Rural Agenda for Europe News24 November, 2019International LEADER Conference in Bulgaria News28 October, 2019Rural development at the heart of EU territorial cohesion News28 October, 2019CLLD and LEADER in the EWRC 2019 News16 October, 2019CoR’s contribution to the renewed Territorial Agenda, with special emphasis on community-led local development News16 October, 2019Horizon2020 research project SALSA presents its results on the role of small farms in Europe and Africa at a side event of the Committee on World Food Security News15 October, 2019Local areas and organisations are essential to the achievement of the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda News1 October, 2019LEADER/CLLD seminar at LINC Conference stressed the need to expand the implementation of multi-funding News25 September, 2019Chinese Mission to Portugal News11 September, 2019CoR’s contribution on the renewed Territorial Agenda, with special emphasis on CLLD News7 August, 2019The Portuguese Network Minha Terra presents the Local Development Pact 2030 News1 August, 2019ELARD participated in Cohesion Alliance conference News25 July, 2019European Parliament´s factsheet on the Rural Development Policy News26 June, 2019Negotiations of the legislative package for the Cohesion Policy 2021-2027 News21 June, 2019ENRD Workshop “Combatting Rural Depopulation” News24 May, 2019ELARD’s Second mission to China News23 May, 2019LEADER/CLLD Meeting in Madeira Island News21 May, 2019networX – Inspiring Rural Europe News17 April, 2019ELARD General Assembly on 10th of April News15 April, 2019Conference “LEADERs Developing Local Communities” News12 April, 2019EU-Moldova LEADER Conference, a success story News10 April, 20194th conference on rural development in Georgia News9 April, 2019Analyzing Rural Areas in a Positive Way News8 April, 2019Information session on The Moldovan LEADER experience and perspectives News19 March, 2019On how to make rural areas the engines of a sustainable Europe News18 March, 2019ELARD Members’ Meeting News6 February, 2019A ROADMAP on LEADER News5 February, 20196th Meeting of the Permanent Subgroup on LEADER and CLLD News31 January, 2019ELARD shared experience with Georgian Association of Local Action Groups News8 January, 2019ELARD General Assembly News21 December, 2018ELARD and Chinese Partners meet in Brussels News10 December, 2018ELARD speaks at joint hearing on LEADER experiences in the European Parliament News25 November, 2018ELARD delegation visiting China after ELARD signed a Memorandum of Understanding to assist in Rural Vitalization and poverty alleviation in China News25 October, 2018Back to LEADER Reloaded Conference News10 October, 2018Europe’s rural areas contribution to the European Year of Cultural Heritage News8 October, 2018ELARD cooperation mission to China News8 October, 2018Amaze Me LEADER News12 August, 2018Strengthening the institutional capacities for implementation of the Community Leader Initiative and approval of Local Action Groups in Macedonia News18 July, 2018Closing event Bulgarian Presidency News3 July, 2018ELARD meets with Commissioners’ Cabinets to advocate for LEADER/CLLD News3 July, 2018The Future of LEADER/CLLD Approach 2020+ News14 June, 2018LEADER/CLLD future negotiations have started in Estonia News24 May, 2018ELARD at the AgriResearch Conference on Innovating for the Future of Farming & Rural Communities News4 May, 2018On the advantages OF the CLLD approach in the EU Official Journal News17 April, 2018LAG Database and CLLD Partner Search: two useful interactive tools for LAGs News29 March, 2018ELARD General Assembly News22 March, 2018Setting up an interfund for rural development News22 March, 2018ELARD General Assembly took important decisions for the following years News5 December, 2017EUROPEAN RURAL PARLIAMENT – Fund for rural development News24 October, 2017ELARD and LDnet organized a workshop “Communities as change agents: local development in the EU beyond 2020” at EWRC on 10th October News11 October, 2017ELARD delegation meeting with Mr. Normunds Popens, DG REGIO Deputy Director-General News21 September, 2017ELARD attended the conference “The CAP: Have your say” organised by DG AGRI in Brussels on 7 July 2017 News18 July, 2017The Cork 2.0 Action Plan released by DG AGRI News18 July, 2017LEADER/CLLD gathering: “Role of bottom-up approach renewing ESI Funds for 2021-2027” News2 June, 2017Load more Text search Sign up to our newsletter! 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