With a view to prepare the future of CLLD based on the experience of LAGs, Minha Terra designed a document of analysis and recommendations that has been supported and signed during the last one and a half month by over 1500 organizations – local authorities, business, civil society organizations – such as farmer, business or cultural associations, etc.
On July 12th, the Local Development Pact 2030 was disclosed at a national level meeting, that gathered around 200 participants from all over Portugal, in the southern small town of Campo Maior, in the presence of Nelson de Souza, Member of the Portuguese Government, responsible for the design of the Cohesion Policy tools for 2021-2027 and the implementation of the European Social Fund (ESF) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Nelson de Souza greeted the appropriateness of this reflection led by the civil society. He also assured that the Portuguese Government will work together with Minha Terra and the LAGs in order to prepare solutions to problems identified in past experiences.
A panel on “Real Projects, Real People” introduced five LEADER/CLLD supported projects, acknowledging the work of the respective LAGs.
Minha Terra stressed that the portuguese LAGs through the Pact want to change apprehensiveness into proposal capacity in order to positively influence future policies. Finally, Minha Terra summarized the vision for the future of the instrument as follows: “a CLLD based on the seven principles of LEADER, led by LAGs, with a single selection and funding process, a single unity of coordination, with a flexible and simplified implementation, simplified costs and multi-funding through a main funding programme”.
The national meeting ended with the symbolic signature of the Local Development Pact 2030 by 10 organization representatives out of the 1500 subscribers.