Time to adjust: On our first virtual general assembly 33 participants from 24 countries were present. We had some very interesting latest news and possibility for dialogue with commission representatives from DG AGRI, REGIO and EMPLOY. Apart from that, the latest news from the policy work was being shared between the members and also the news from the workinggroups. Amongst other members from Poland shared information and inspiration about Swietokrzyskie in Poland where the next European Rural Parliament is planned to take place in October next year, our colleagues from Croatia shared theer conclusions from the SEE LEADER conference and we shared information on how “The voice of rural europe_final” has been spread around our Memberstates, and also discussion on how to disseminate the survey “What future do you want in rural areas?” took place.
Members are feling stronger together but are, ofcourse, looking forward to physical meetings again! <3