Amaze Me Leader is a transnational cooperation project involving young people age 18-28 from Dumfries and Galloway, other Scottish LEADER areas, Finland and EU LEADER Local Action Group areas.
Hosted in Dumfries and Galloway last Summer (5th – 12th August), this week-long event was linked to an event previously held in Finland (2011 and 2017) and will be linked to one to be held next year in another EU host country.
The aims of this project are mainly to:
- raise awareness of LEADER and rural community development, both locally with communities, partner agencies and (local and national) decision makers; and with young people from local areas and beyond;
- encourage young people to get involved in local decision making in their own local areas, and also at a wider national/transnational level;
- build relationships both between young people and partner agencies to facilitate knowledge exchange visits with EU partners in 2019.
More about the past editions of Amaze Me LEADER:
2011 Finland 1, Finland 22017 Finland
2011 Finland 1, Finland 22017 Finland
2018 Scotland 1, Scotland 2 and Video by Scottish Rural Network
Camp Magazine 2017 (made by youth themselves)
More details will follow as soon as possible.