ELARD is participating in the EU Multi Actor Platform of the 4 year long Horizon 2020 project SHERPA. The first meeting was about starting up,and getting to know eachother and the project. Apart from ELARD, PREPARE is present as civis society organisation, and also ENRD, Commitee of the Regions, DG AGRI, DG REGIO and many researchers are present in the group.
The EU Multi-Actor Platform (MAP) is the SHERPA’s rural interface established at European level to engage a mix of key actors from three target communities (science, society and policy) to exchange knowledge and to provide space for debating issues and priorities for the future development of rural areas.
Sustainable Hub to Engage into Rural Policies with Actors (SHERPA) is a four-year project (2019-2023) with 17 partners funded by the Horizon 2020 programme. It aims to gather knowledge that contributes to the formulation of recommendations for future policies relevant to EU rural areas, by creating a science-society-policy interface which provides a hub for knowledge and policy.
SHERPA will contribute to policy development in three main areas:
- Provision of inputs for the design of future research policies, with a focus on the preparation of work programmes under Horizon Europe.
- Support for implementation of policies relevant to rural areas in the programming period 2021-2027; and
- Supporting for setting the direction of rural policy in the next programming period.
To achieve this, the project will:
- Map the main drivers of future trends and dynamics of EU rural areas;
- Establish Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) as effective and sustainable Science-Society-Policy interfaces;
- Create a shared knowledge base relevant to EU rural policy by taking stock of results of past and ongoing research projects;
- Engage in a dialogue between citizens, researchers and policy-makers across EU territories;
- Formulate recommendations linked to different scenarios for the development of modern rural policies at European, national and regional levels, as well as for the future rural research agenda.