This is a crucial time for shaping future European policies. Therefore, ELARD, one of the three co-initiators of the ERP, along with ERCA and PREPARE, warmly invites you to mark January 30th for the ERP Midterm Event in Brussels. The event is organized by ERP in cooperation with the European Economic and Social Committee. With the key note speach from Christophe Hansen, European Commissioner for Agriculture and Food, the event will provide a unique opportunity to engage with policymakers and contribute to important discussions that ensure rural voices are heard. The event will also be hybrid; however, it is essential for ERP Partners to be strongly represented in person to participate in discussions about our rural future.
The event will let:
- maintain momentum and profile of the ERP between the previous and next ERP Gatherings, and celebrate over a decade of constructive contributions, since the first ERP was held at the EESC
- ensure a relevant dialogue between European Civil Society Organisations and policy and decision makers, primarily with the EU Institutions during the current Multi Annual Financial Framework and in the preparation of the succeeding one.
- provide a platform for shared learning between the many partner organisations who subscribe to the principles and ethos of the ERP.
- provide an informative exchange of emerging views, concerns and aspirations, arising from recent National/Regional Rural Parliament Gatherings and our recent ERP Partner’s survey, with representatives of the key civil society stakeholders contributing to policy making at a European level.
Registration is available through THIS LINK
The detailed AGENDA to download.