Young People for the Future of Sustainable Rural Development
01apr00:0030nov(nov 30)23:59Young People for the Future of Sustainable Rural Development
Event Details
Forum Synergies (FS) in cooperation with Latvian Rural Forum (LRF) have elaborated a Youth Scholarship Program for sustainable rural development. This international exchange program aims to promote sustainable rural development by
Event Details
Forum Synergies (FS) in cooperation with Latvian Rural Forum (LRF) have elaborated a Youth Scholarship Program for sustainable rural development. This international exchange program aims to promote sustainable rural development by sharing knowledge and a particular know-how about sustainability.
Currently it is looking for:
– young people involved in rural development activities, who want to discover or improve their knowledge and their know-how in a particular field of sustainable rural development,
– organizations or entrepreneurs from rural areas, who would like to host young people to transmit them a particular knowledge and to share their experience.
The programme offers the possibility for the trainee to discover and learn from the experiences and practices of organisations and people dedicated to sustainable local and rural development, while spending a time in a place of his choice (according to the hosts availability). It is expectable that a real exchange between host and trainee is established in order for the trainee to collect a particular know-how as well as share his experience and knowledge in his country with the host.
After the scholarship hosts and trainees will be given the opportunity to share their experience and promote their actions. The hosts will be invited to participate in the 4th European Rural Parliament from 6-9 November 2019, in the village of Candás in Carreño municipality in the region of Cabo Peñas, Asturias, Spain. The trainees will be invited to participate in the European Rural Youth Parliament, from 9-11 November 2019, in Cantabria, Spain.
This Forum Synergies Scholarship Programme period starts in April 2019 up to November 2019. It should last ideally one month, altough a minimum of two weeks and maximum up to three months can be discussed on the basis of the proposed work programme and funds available.
Online registration forms are available from March 2019 on. The host and the trainee are invited to apply online on Forum Synergies, using either application form:
For host:
For trainee:
More information about:
the Scholarship HERE;
the Guidelines for Trainees HERE;
the Guidelines for Hosts HERE.
1 April, 2019 00:00 - 30 November, 2019 23:59(GMT+00:00)