Web event on the EU Long Term Vision for the Rural Areas, the Rural Pact and the Rural Funding Toolkit.
Event Details
On behalf of the ERCA Board we invite you to a special Web event on the EU Long Term Vision for the Rural Areas, the Rural Pact and the
Event Details
On behalf of the ERCA Board we invite you to a special Web event on the EU Long Term Vision for the Rural Areas, the Rural Pact and the Rural Funding Toolkit.
Participation in the Web event on November 22, 10:30 12:30 CET is free. The language is English.
With the publication of the Long Term Vision for Rural Areas (LTVRA 30 June 2021), the European Commission took a further step towards broadening rural policy.
Drawing up a RURAL PACT is part of the implementation strategy of the LTVRA. The RURAL PACT activities can be classified as contributing to three broad objectives:
A. Amplify the voice of rural areas to bring them higher on the political agenda
B. Structure and enable collaboration and mutual learning between pact members
C. Encourage and monitor voluntary commitment for action by RURAL PACT community members
Another action in the LTVRA is guiding stakeholders on how to use EU funds through a Rural Funding Toolkit .
There are many EU funding opportunities available for rural areas. The toolkit guides stakeholders in making an
effective use of them.
In this Web event you have a unique opportunity to be informed in an accessible way about the state of affairs with the Rural Pact and the Rural Funding Toolkit. This information is highly relevant for anyone involved in rural development at local, regional national or European level.
The agenda
[10.30] Welcome by Tom Jones , president of ERCA
[10.40] Short report on the results of a questionnaire amongst ERCA Members by Ben van Essen
[10.50] Introduction to the Long Term Vision for Rural Areas and the Rural Pact by Alexia Rouby , Policy Coordinator of the EU rural vision DG Agriculture and rural Development, European Commission
[11. 30] Introduction to the Rural Funding Toolkit by Eleftherios (Terry) Stavropoulos Project Officer European Commission at the Joint Research Centre Directorate B Growth & Innovation Unit B3Territorial Development
[12:10] Conclusions and recommendations
[12.30] Closing
(Wednesday) 10:30 - 12:30(GMT+01:00)