Scaling up: Lessons learnt from LEADER and what role can public, private partnerships play in rural development?

30mar15:0016:00Scaling up: Lessons learnt from LEADER and what role can public, private partnerships play in rural development?Scaling up: Lessons learnt from the LEADER funding tool and what role can public, private partnerships play in rural development?

Event Details

Scaling up: Lessons learnt from LEADER and what role can public, private partnerships play in rural development?


When: 30 March
Time: 15:00-16:00
Place: Zoom


Eddy Wax, Politico’s agriculture evangelist



  • Dr Manuela Rottmann, Parliamentary State Secretary in the German Agricultural Ministry (Greens)
  • Niklas Nienaß, MEP and co-chair of the RUMRA & Smart Villages Intergroup (Germany, Greens)
  • Irène Tolleret, MEP and member of the RUMRA & Smart Villages Intergroup (France, Renew Europe)
  • Maciej Golubiewski, Head of the Cabinet of EU Commissioner for Agriculture,Janusz Wojciechowski
  • Jorge Pinto Antunes, Smart Villages expert in the cabinet of EU Commissioner Wojciechowski
  • Toma Šutić, Member of the cabinet of EU Commissioner for Democracy and Demography, Vice-President Dubravka Šuica (invited)
  • Marion Eckardt, President of the European Leader Association for Rural Development (ELARD)


We really look forward to meeting you there for an insightful debate and invite you to register at this LINK.


If you wish to submit questions for the event, please send them to Adam @


30 March, 2022 15:00 - 16:00(GMT+01:00)