Fringe-workshop: "Resilient rural communities for a viable Europe"

25mar09:0009:45Fringe-workshop: "Resilient rural communities for a viable Europe"

Event Details

The pandemic has shown the importance of vital, resilient local communities in a global world. In order to create resilience, we need creative and engaged people that live and take responsibility in their respective areas. How can this be created in multi-level governance? Are there any tools in place? Yes there are!

Welcome to join the ELARD workshop on the rural vision week. This fringe-workshop is being held together with the panelists from DG REGIO, DG AGRI, Committee of the Regions and our members network. Participating LAGs are Swedish LAG Leader Höga Kusten, German LAG Hunsrück (Rheinland-Pfalz) and Spanish LAG Aprodervi that will showcase some good examples. Also Austrian LEADER Forum will be present in the panel.


Ms Wallis Goelen-Vanderbrock, Senior Expert, REGIO DG
Mr Radim Srsen , CoR, Vice president of NAT-committee,
Ms Maria Gaffo, DG AGRI,
Mr Stefan Niedermoser, Austrian LEADER Forum,
Ms Maaike Smit, LAG Höga Kusten, SE,
Mr Achim Kistner, LAG manager LAG Hunsrück , DE,
Mr Javier Lopez Caballero. APRODERVI LAG Manager, ES

The goal of the workshop is to:

  • Showcase good practices from LEADER/CLLD that have contributed to improved social capital, improved governance and better results in the fields of Green Deal, Demographic Change and Innovation
  • Reflect on the responsibility and possibility of all actors to make the framework for resilient communities in order to make LTVRA a reality
  • Create a movement

Welcome to join the movement!


25 March, 2021 09:00 - 09:45(GMT+01:00)