LINC2019 Estonia
10sep(sep 10)00:0013(sep 13)23:59LINC2019 EstoniaLINC2019 Estonia
Event Details
The 10th LINC (Leader Inspired Network Community) Conference will address the practitioners’ daily work needs and therefore the programme will focus on networking, communication, exchanging ideas, best practises and seeking
Event Details
The 10th LINC (Leader Inspired Network Community) Conference will address the practitioners’ daily work needs and therefore the programme will focus on networking, communication, exchanging ideas, best practises and seeking solutions for the future.
In order to create a stimulating atmosphere for the works, the six estonian organizers of the LINC2019 – four LAGs, the Estonian LEADER Union and the Estonian Rural Network – will welcome the participants in the relaxing countryside, untouched nature, amazing Island of Kihnu.
LINC is an annual meeting of LAGs (Local Action Groups) which combines European exchange of experience with sport events and European culinary. It is an initiative from LAGs and National Network Units for rural development in Austria, Germany, Estonia and Finland.
Find out more on LINC 2019 Estonia in and more on LINC Conferences since 2010. Registrate HERE until the 1st of May!
10 September, 2019 00:00 - 13 September, 2019 23:59(GMT+00:00)
Pärnu, Estonia