25nov(nov 25)00:0026(nov 26)23:59LEADER/ CLLD 2019 CONFERENCE IN PORTUGAL
Event Details
ELARD is organising its annual meeting in Amarante in the North of Portugal, at the Cultural Centre of Amarante (Portuguese: Centro Cultural de Amarante), beginning on November 25 with members
Event Details
ELARD is organising its annual meeting in Amarante in the North of Portugal, at the Cultural Centre of Amarante (Portuguese: Centro Cultural de Amarante), beginning on November 25 with members workshop on sharing information and relevant practices on the state of the art of LEADER/CLLD implementation and the preparation of the next programming period in the Member States.
On the 26th November, the keynote presentation “Implementing CLLD in EU: Experiences so far – stocktaking, analysis and recommendations”, by Loris Servillo, Researcher and Associate Professor at Politecnico of Torino, and Stefan Kah, Researcher at University of Strathclyde/European Policy Center, will be followed by “Institutional opinions on the future of LEADER/CLLD”, namely from the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee.
Later the same day, there will be a panel entitled “Looking forward with the feet on the ground – proposals and expectations from local level” and a discussion on the keynote presentation and previous panels and debate with participants. The afternoon will be dedicated to ELARD General Assembly Meeting.
Please find HERE the draft programme of the conference, Also don’t forget to visit the website of the conference https://leaderconference2019.minhaterra.pt/
25 November, 2019 00:00 - 26 November, 2019 23:59(GMT+00:00)
Amarante, Portugal