Happy Hour webinar series -  New solidarity services

25jun18:0000:00Happy Hour webinar series -  New solidarity services

Event Details

Rebuilding local economies after lockdown: Happy Hour webinar series.

LDnet invites local development practitioners and researchers to a series of forward-looking webinars on Rebuilding local economies after lockdown, organised in association with RSA EuropeELARD and AEIDL. Click to register


 New solidarity services

New services have sprung up to help people do shopping, collect prescriptions, to promote culture, and to address loneliness and isolation. These are often hyper local or street based. Others such as Fiji’s LETS scheme are addressing collapsed tourist incomes by supporting bartering of food for services. How can these local actions be built on to strengthen local development in the post Covid world. Workshop leaders: Peter Ramsden and Rosalba La Grotteria


25 June, 2020 18:00 - 00:00(GMT+00:00)