22nov(nov 22)00:0024(nov 24)23:59ELARD General Assembly meeting and seminar in Estonia
Find the program here! Presentations: Report of Estonian presidency, Portuguese and Czech vice-presidencies 2016-2017, Kristiina Tammets, ELARD President CLLD and ELARD
Find the program here!
Report of Estonian presidency, Portuguese and Czech vice-presidencies 2016-2017, Kristiina Tammets, ELARD President
CLLD and ELARD future, Kristiina Tammets, ELARD President
Presentations on LEADER/CLLD multi-fund implementation:
Slovakia – managing authorities experience with ERDF;
Finland – urban local action groups in Kotka and Helsinki;
Lithuania – experience with multi-funding local development strategies;
Sweden – all funds, all types of territories (rural, urban, coastal) work together for CLLD;
Austria – CLLD piloting in Tyrol.
22 November, 2017 00:00 - 24 November, 2017 23:59(GMT+00:00)
Laulasmaa Spa, Estonia