ELARD co-organizes session in EWRC: LDS in retaining and attracting talents

11oct00:0023:59ELARD co-organizes session in EWRC: LDS in retaining and attracting talents

Event Details

In the framework of the current European Week of Regions and Cities, the workshop “Local Development Strategies: retaining and attracting talents in the regions” will focus on the potential of locally-driven responses, when it comes to address the loss of the young population.

The organisers, i.e.LDnet with ELARD and CIM Alto Minho, will provide examples of development strategies drawing on local assets, such as local talent and cultural heritage and making places more attractive to youth and mobile talent. Also their experience to draw lessons from participatory, bottom-up approaches such as LEADER/CLLD, social innovation and smart territories should undoubtedly be taken into account in view of the new Cohesion Policy.


11 October, 2018 00:00 - 23:59(GMT+00:00)


Brussels, Belgium

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