DESIRA Final Conference

26aprAll Day27DESIRA Final ConferenceDESIRA (Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas)

Event Details

DESIRA  project which aims to improve the capacity of society and political bodies to respond to the challenges that digitalisation generates in agriculture, forestry and rural areas is coming to an end and will be summarised and presented at DESIRA Final Conference!

The conference will bring together policy-makers, research and innovation networks, farmers’ organisations, advisors, and other relevant stakeholders to exchange views on the current and future scenario of rural digitalisation.

Participants will have the chance to:

  • Understand and discuss the role of policies fostering rural digitalisation, including good practices and initiatives at different levels from EU countries.
  • Share experiences applying Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and exchange good practices emerging from Living Labs and Multi-Actor Platforms.
  • Attend demo sessions on tools to support digital transformation in rural areas.
  • Contribute to the next research agenda.

All the details on organiser’s event website


26 April, 2023 - 27 April, 2023 (All Day)(GMT+01:00)


Brussels, Belgium

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