Civil Society Days

01marAll Day03Civil Society DaysFor information only - regisrations are closed

Event Details

The Civil Society Days event is a symbol of the cooperation between the EESC and the members of the Liaison Group representing European civil society organisations and networks.

This initiative contributes to assert the Committee as a special partner for those organisations and networks on issues of common interest such as that of “dialogue and participation” in the light of Article 11 of the treaty on the European Union.

It also aims at enhancing the added value of political dialogue between the Committee and European civil society organisations and networks in the context of establishing genuine structured civil dialogue between such organisations and networks and European institutions.

The overall objective of the Civil Society Days event is therefore to highlight the contribution civil society organisations are making to the building of a European Union which is more in tune with citizens’ aspirations.

It also allows asserting their role in fostering greater involvement by civil society in the European project at all levels, and thus in increasing the democratic legitimacy of EU action and institutions, as an adjunct to representative democracy.


1 March, 2023 - 3 March, 2023 (All Day)(GMT+01:00)


Brussels, Belgium

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