As the first Rural Pact conference is approaching, you now have the opportunity to give feedback on the proposal made to the EU’s rural stakeholders on how to structure the Rural Pact in the future.
ELARD is looking for experts on youth employment and policy design
In order to provide high-level, experienced-based and comprehensive support for “Collaborative and sharing workspaces: policies for youth in EEA peripheral regions (Cowork4YOUTH)” project partners ELARD is looking for experts Continue reading →
L'écomusée du Sel et les Mamas Shingos de Bandrélélé
Salt production in Bandrélé is an economic, tourist, and cultural development tool for the municipality. Therefore, the project wished to highlight this historic site which has gone through the years and Continue reading →
The ENRD Contact Point, in collaboration with the French National Rural Network, is organising a workshop on Advancing gender equality in rural Europe through the CAP Strategic Plans.
Every year, on 9th of May we celebrate Europe Day, we are reminded that there was a time, before the EU. The date marks the anniversary of the historic ’Schuman declaration’. At a Continue reading →
Trizs is a small village located near the northeaster border region of Hungary, in the vicinity of the Aggtelek National Park. Its population is 200 inhabitants. The objective of the project is to reduce Continue reading →