This is a crucial time for shaping future European policies. Therefore, ELARD, one of the three co-initiators of the ERP, along with ERCA and PREPARE, warmly invites you to mark January 30th for the ERP Midterm Event in Continue reading →
The last ELARD General Assembly of this year occurred on the 4th of December in Brussels.
This final meeting was undoubtedly both important and emotional, marking the end of the French Presidency under Thibaut Guignard from Leader France, electing a Continue reading →
In the spirit of the 2016 Tartu Declaration, the 2023 Brussels Declaration and following significant developments within the EU and rural areas, we, the representatives of Local Action Groups (LAGs), reaffirm our commitment to ensuring vibrant, sustainable, and resilient rural Continue reading →
At the 2024 European LEADER Congress, over 440 representatives from 27 EU Member States and candidate countries gathered to launch cooperation for the 2021-2027 EAFRD funding under the Common Agricultural Policy.
On March 27th, the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI) has published a report, entitled “The long-term vision for the EU’s rural areas: key achievements and ways forward”, which outlines the progress made so far under Continue reading →
The Spanish Rural Development Network (Red Española de Desarrollo Rural) has spoken with Eduardo Serrano Padial, Evaluator of Unit A3 “Policy Performance” of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG Agri) of the European Commission, for his Continue reading →