The thematic Lab took place on 4.6.2020. It was filled with interesting presentations from different actors on engaging stakeholders, and you can find all material here.
More than 50 participants from 22 different memberstates were present.
More than 700 villages applied to become one of the 12 selected in the Smart Rural project. The project is a two and a half-year project supported by the European Commission (DG AGRI) with the overall aim to promote and Continue reading →
After two Thematic Group (TG) ‘labs’ focusing on ideas for the support framework for Smart Villages in the future CAP Strategic Plans in Finland and Poland, the Thematic Group organised the last lab to provide space Continue reading →
Now available in your own language!!! (Or at least, 21 different languages)
REDR in cooperation with ELARD have launched a macrosite to know first-hand the opinion of the European rural population about the future of their territories. Continue reading →
Time to adjust: On our first virtual general assembly 33 participants from 24 countries were present. We had some very interesting latest news and possibility for dialogue with commission representatives from DG AGRI, REGIO and EMPLOY. Apart from that, the Continue reading →
ELARD is mainifesting solidarity between rural communities around Europe on 9th of May
In the midst of Covid-19 crisis, ELARD Aisbl representing 26 national networks and around 2 200 Local Action Groups – covering an area with a population Continue reading →
Do you want to know how (F)LAGs around Europe are coping in the current crisis? Head on to the report of this survey, carried out 26/3-21/4.2020. In the network survey part, 23 national LEADER-networks responded. The (F)LAG part of Continue reading →
The organisations of the European Countryside Movement stress the importance of rural territories for the recovery, and await the
establishment of a European Rural Agenda and give reccommendations in this position.
The Future CAP was being discussed with three sub-issues: Update on the legislative process in the Parliament and in the Council including an update on the new green architecture, Transition rules – RD implementation, and Developments on the CAP network.