was again held online, ofcourse, with 19 participants from 17 countries . ELARD is about to launch the report of the Survey of the future of Rural Areas where we haver received 3436 answers from 25 countries. Now we were Continue reading →
ELARD is participating in the EU Multi Actor Platform of the 4 year long Horizon 2020 project SHERPA. The first meeting was about starting up,and getting to know eachother and the project. Apart from ELARD, PREPARE is present as civis Continue reading →
The members meeting updated the members with an overview of current policy and budgetary issues that are concerning CLLD now and in the future. Ofcourse ELARD with members are both ready and eager to assist in the recoverywork and we Continue reading →
ELARD participated on July 7th in the high-level European webinar “A vision for rural Europe” organized by Renew Europe and ARC2020. You can see it again here: https://re.livecasts.eu/a-vision-for-rural-europe
The seminar was understood to have reached over 12 000 people and Continue reading →
After the ERP is before the ERP. 1st of July the first Partners meeting of European Rural Parliament 2020-21 took place, chaired by ELARD. Main theme was to plan for the application to EfC, which is managed by Irish Rural Continue reading →
This meeting had participation from all the Civil Dialogue Groups under the CAP, and the purpose was to present the conclusions and recommendations from the study carried out on the functioning of the CDGs within the CAP. The presentation was Continue reading →
The aim of the webinar was for Commissioner (AGRI) Wojciechowski to present the Farm to Fork strategy and exchange views on how the agricultural sector and especially the new CAP can contribute to the strategy. The meeting had participation from Continue reading →
European Rural Parliament 2021 will be hosted by The Association for the Świętokrzyskie Rural Area Development. Participants of ERP2021, during three days of this event, will have the opportunity to know experiences of LAG’s and other organization which support rural Continue reading →
ELARD has recently established a unit ELARD Knowledge Exchange Platform (EKEP) that one of the main activities is to promote ELARD participation in various expert groups, project teams and consortiums, e.g. Horizon 2020, European Commission neighbourhood programmes, and other Continue reading →