Yesterday, the Long Term Vision of Rural Areas was communicated.
ELARD has been very present in the process of developing the vision, in the Thematic Working group of the ENRD, in the SHERPA project that has been giving input and Continue reading →
On the 28th of June, the Farming ministers confirmed the CAP reform deal, bringing the proposal a huge step forward to becoming part of EU law. The process has been going on for years, and finally the ministers confirmed Continue reading →
We are pleased to inform you about the publication of the final report of the Long Term Rural Vision.
The publication provides a qualitative analysis of the findings from stakeholder workshops contributing to the long-term vision for rural areas. Continue reading →
On the 18th of June, our president, Marion Eckardt took part in the online hearing organized by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Rural Parliament (ERP).
Many speakers and panellists presented and exchanged their views “Towards Continue reading →
We want to share with you an interesting publication – the latest, 3rd issue of ESPON magazine TerritoriALL. Lots of topics to choose from and one common element – rural areas. Our contribution on page 26, article Continue reading →
On May 7th, a large majority in the 144th Plenary session of the European Committee of the Regions adopted the Opinion on Experiences and lessons learned by regions and cities during the COVID-19 crisis.
Inspired by national rural parliaments, which have been implemented in Europe for more than a decade, the Balkan Rural Parliament is already taking its place as one of the basic tools for representing rural communities, through national networks and the Continue reading →
Celebrating LEADER 30 years in Greece on the Regional Growth Conference on a fantastic panel with Giannis Oikonomou, Deputy Minister of Rural Development & Food, Athanasios Papadopoulos, Mayor of Kalavrita, President of Achaia – Development Agency S.A.Georgios Mathioudakis, Policy Coordinator, Continue reading →
On 18 June 2021, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and the European Rural Parliament (ERP) will hold an online public hearing aiming to explore ways toachieve sustainability and prosperity Continue reading →