Our positions

2024 ELARD Declaration on the Future of CLLD within European policies
In the spirit of the 2016 Tartu Declaration, the 2023 Brussels Declaration and following significant developments within the EU and rural areas, we, the representatives of Local Action Groups (LAGs), reaffirm our commitment to ensuring vibrant, sustainable, and resilient rural communities across Europe, using CLLD-LEADER as a tool to this end. As living countrysides are the basis of Europe’s security and crisis resistance, they need to know and feel, now more than ever, that they are being supported. Indeed, our countryside is facing a comprehensive triple challenge (ecological, economic and social, including to cite a few: depopulation and ageing, deterioration of public services, climate change, robotisation, rise of artificial intelligence), causing uncertainty. With greater reason, a tailored development approach adapted to local needs is what is required now – which is what LEADER-CLLD represents, and its added-value must be recognised and acknowledged.
As the future Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF) is being debated, we put forward the Declaration to shape future EU policies on rural development.

ELARD’s resolution LEADER and CLLD within European policies post 2027
On 18 December 2023 the European Leader Congress was held in Brussels, Belgium. At this conference, the 800 delegates from 38 countries representing about 2600 LEADER Local Action Groups in and beyond Europe, rural networks, representatives of managing authorities, the Committee of the Regions, the European Commission, the European Parliament and of the European Economic and Social Committee met and discussed the Long-Term Vision for Rural Areas and rural development policies as regards to the role of LEADER/CLLD (Community-Led Local Development). The following conclusions were developed for the future of LEADER/CLLD.
English – Brussels Declaration
Bulgarian – Декларация от Брюксел
Croatian – Deklaracija iz Brisela
French – Déclaration de Bruxelles
Português – Declaração de Bruxelas

Contribution of European rural areas to the European Commission´s 8th Cohesion Report
This contribution is inspired by the Halmstad Declaration of 2 December 2021 during the “LEADER 30 years
Celebration” conference organised by ELARD and by the LEADER European seminar, an event organised by Leader
France in the framework of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union, held in Ploeuc-L’Hermitage on
7 March 2022.
Contribution of rural areas to the European Commission´s 8th Cohesion Report – EN

Solidarity declaration for the people of Ukraine
We, the rural civil sector movements in Europe, representing more than 40 countries and half of the European population living in rural areas, have been deeply shocked by the Russian invasion of Ukraine and offer our solidarity with the people of Ukraine.
In order to spare civilians, we call on all involved to enhance their efforts towards a civilized solution of the conflict and cease fire.
Austria – unterstützung der vom aktuellen konflikt in der Ukraine betroffenen zivilbevölkerung
Bulgaria – в подкрепа на цивилното населенеие, засегнато от настоящия конфликт в украйна
Croatian – Podrška civilima pogođenim ratom u Ukrajini
English – Solidarity declaration for the people of Ukraine
Estonia – Ukraina konfliktist ohustatud inimeste toetuseks
Finland – Tuemme Ukrainan konfliktista kärsivää siviiliväestöä
France – en soutien aux civils touchés par le conflit actuel en Ukraine
Germany – Nterstützung der vom aktuellen konflikt in der Ukraine betroffenen zivilbevölkerung
Italy – English version with Italian signature
Portugal – em apoio aos civis afetados pelo atual conflito na Ucrânia
Slovak – Podpora civilistom ohrozeným súčasným konfliktom na ukrajine
Slovenia – v podporo civilistom prizadetim zaradi konflikta v ukrajini
Sweden – Solidaritets deklaration
Ukraine – на підтримку мирних жителів, постраждалих від конфлікту в україні

Halmstad Declaration
At the 30-years LEADER-event, the conclusions for Halmstad declaration were first drafted. We now have 10 conclusions on “turning rural development into action” and ten ideas on “using the opportunities for LEADER/CLLD” that we share to shape a better future for all of us.
Apart from being a conference on the Long Term Vision of Rural Areas and the future of LEADER, it was also an event in the frame of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The conclusions of the event are therefore also published at the Conference of The Future of Europe.
English – Halmstad Declaration
Portuguese – Declaração de Halmstad

Europe day greetings ELARD 2021
Rural Semester as a tool to deliver a truly holistic policy for rural areas,
from Marjorie JOUEN, Jacques Delors Institute. (Benefitted from inputs and reflections of Marion Eckardt, Maria José Murciano-Sanchez, MichaelSchmitz, Francesco Mantino, Hans Martin Lorenzen, expressing themselves on their personal capacity)
The voice of rural Europe for the future of Europe (2020).
On 9th of May 2020, Day of Europe, the members of ELARD are sharing their opinion on how CLLD can assist in the recovery work of Europe now and in future programmes. ELARD has been facing this crisis with the firm belief that we are stronger together. No rural area should be left behind, and we are positively working as a team, keeping the spirit of a unified Europe prominent.
(Also available in: Español, Português, Svenska)
Renewing LEADER/CLLD for 2021-2027 programming period (2019)
ELARD updated its positions regarding the next programming period of LEADER/CLLD, approved by the ELARD General Assembly in Brussels on 10th April 2019.
The Tartu Declaration (2016)
(Available also in Croatian, Estonian, German, French, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Spanish)
During the ELARD conference 2016 and with the contributions of several LAG networks ELARD developed this declaration directed at the European institutions.