SHERPA Annual Conference 1-2 December

30nov01decSHERPA Annual Conference 1-2 December

Event Details

In 2020, the European Commission initiated the preparation of a new long-term vision for rural areas. SHERPA prepared a contribution to the process by feeding in the views of science-society-policy actors: between April and October 2020, SHERPA Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs) investigated challenges and opportunities and discussed a vision for their territory through to 2040.

The results will be presented and discussed during the annual conference. The first part of the conference (Monday 30 November) will focus on the vision for EU rural areas by 2040. The second part of the conference (Tuesday 1 December) will focus on how to engage local actors in the development of a vision for rural areas.

By attending the conference, participants will have the opportunity to:

  • Contribute to the discussion on the Long-term vision for rural areas
  • Get an in-depth understanding of the key drivers that will shape rural areas by 2040
  • Share experiences with local actors on how to establish engagement processes to develop a vision with local actors.

Register for the conference here.


30 November, 2020 13:30 - 1 December, 2020 13:00(GMT-11:00)