Sign up for the EWRC- event from our partners on the theme how to build a reasonable administrative system around the LEADER-method!
A key factor enabling local stakeholders to tap into the full potential of CLLD is avoiding complexity and administrative burden while remaining flexible to address unforeseen crisis situations. This session will help MAs design more streamlined CLLD delivery post-2020 by sharing tools and relevant practices. It will be introduced and facilitated by experts from DG AGRI and FARNET Support Unit on behalf of DG MARE, using material and information prepared by DGs responsible for CLLD funding and the Guide on “Delivering CLLD effectively”. Participants will ask questions and exchange experience on specific delivery challenges (speeding up project selection and approval, using SCOs and umbrella projects, integrating different EU Funds…).
Draft agenda:
14.30 – 14.45: introducing CLLD delivery challenges
14.45 – 15.10: sharing practices: examples from MS
15.10 – 15.50: addressing concerns: Q&A and/or “clinics”
15.50 – 16.00: conclusions.
Links to support material on designing CLLD delivery:
– FARNET Guide for MAs on “Delivering CLLD effectively”
– presentation on the proposals for the functioning of Lead Fund
Urszula Budzich-Tabor, Senior Local Development Expert, FARNET Support Unit, Belgium.
Karolina Jasińska-Muehleck, Policy Officer – Horizontal Coordination, DG AGRI, Conception and Consistency of Rural Development, Belgium.
Christian Stampfer, Head of Unit, Amt der Tiroler Landesregierung, Abteilung Landesentwicklung, EU-Regionalpolitik, Austria.
Participatory Lab – world café, ideas labs
Cohesion and Cooperation
European Commission – DG AGRI, Fisheries Areas Network – FARNET
English (EN)