Conference on "LEADERs Developing Local Communities"

11apr00:0023:59Conference on "LEADERs Developing Local Communities"

Event Details

The AGRI Committee of the European Parliament is hosting a conference on “LEADERs Developing Local Communities”, intended to discuss the achievements and the future of the LEADER Method in the new legislative framework of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP) after 2020.

The Conference is organised with a view to having an inclusive event, linking decision-makers and most active practitioners of Local Action Groups (LAGs), involved in implementation of the LEADER/CLLD projects, in order to provide all stakeholders with an opportunity:

  • to discuss how the new CAP, MFF post 2020 and other changes in legislation will affect LEADER/CLLD preparation and implementation rules, approaches, investment priorities?
  • to share experiences on the past performance of the projects implemented under the LEADER method: identify success factors and problems hindering full-fledged participation and delivery of results;
  • to network for new project ideas, cooperation possibilities, partners.

Moreover, the President of ELARD, Maria João Botelho, was invited as speaker and will give a presentation on “Prospects for LEADER/CLLD from the European Stakeholders’ Perspective”.

This initiative is supported by the Greens/EFA MEPs Bronis Ropé, Martin Häusling (Members of AGRI Committee) and Davor Skrlec (Member of REGI Committee).

Take a look at the programme of the event! The participation is by invitation. External participants have to register until April 5th here !!!


11 April, 2019 00:00 - 23:59(GMT+00:00)


Brussels, Belgium

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