6th European Rural Parliament in SCOTLAND

Scotland will be hosting the sixth European Rural Parliament (ERP), bringing a 40-country delegation to Aberdeenshire, Moray and the Cairngorms National Park area in the Autumn of 2025.

This is the first time Scotland has been selected to host the ERP gathering, and 2025’s theme is ‘Rural Community Solutions to Global Challenges’.

The event will take place from 21 to 23 October, 2025. More information will be available soon.

Conlusions from the 5th ERP


We, around 400 participants from 39 European countries, met during the 5th European Rural Parliament, gathering rural people,
representatives of civil society organisations, researchers, entrepreneurs, national governments and European Union institutions.

ERP dissemination in Brussels


On January 7-19, we were in Brussels doing ERP dissemination activities. There we presented the results from ERP.

We met, among others, representatives from:

  • European Commission
  • Economic social committee
  • Committee of the regions


Youth engagement

At the ERP the youth delegation had a successful world cafe with interesting and very important discussions about the rural area’s future and they have summarized the conclusions in this speech.

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 From local to the European Level 

The goal of the ERASMUS+ project “Rural Youth in action from local to the European level” (RURBEST22) is to empower, engage and connect rural youth from Belgium, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Poland, Spain, and Sweden.

The participants are a part of an international network, have exchanged good practices, arrange a successful word cafe at the ERP and now get a chance to influence rural policies of The European Union.


What is The European Rural Parliament?


  • The European Rural Parliament is designed to: Strengthen the voice of the rural communities of Europe, and to ensure that the interests and well-being of these communities are strongly reflected in national and European policies.
  • Promote self-help, common understanding, solidarity, exchange of good practice and cooperation among rural communities throughout Europe.
  • Enable rural people to play their full role in addressing the great economic and political challenges which are currently affecting Europe. The European institutions are struggling to face these challenges. They need to connect with the concerns, the aspirations and the energies of European citizens. We wish to help in that!

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Who organises it?


The European Rural Parliament is co-initiated by three pan-European networks

ERP in previous years


12th - 15th of September 2022, Kielce

Around 400 participants from 39 European countries met during the 5th European Rural Parliament, ERP, in Kielce, Poland, from 12 to 15 September 2022. The conference consisted of workshops, study visits, networking activities and panels.


6th - 9th of November 2019, Candas