After the signature of the Memorandum of Understanding between China Association for International Exchange of Personnel and ELARD, the ELARD – SAFEA cooperation will take a first concrete step by organizing an experts visit to China from October 14-21.
Amaze Me Leader is a transnational cooperation project involving young people age 18-28 from Dumfries and Galloway, other Scottish LEADER areas, Finland and EU LEADER Local Action Group areas.
Hosted in Dumfries and Galloway last Summer (5th – 12th August), Continue reading →
At the end of May 2018, the Slovenian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food successfully completed the bilateral technical assistance project between Slovenia and Macedonia named: “Strengthening the institutional capacities for implementation of the Community Leader Initiative and approval of Continue reading →
In the space of two days, June 19 and 20, an ELARD delegation composed of Maria João Botelho, Kristiina Tammets, Marion Eckardt, Kirsten Birke Lund, Hartmut Berndt and Luís Chaves met three members of the Cabinet of Commissioners Carlos Moedas, Continue reading →
On 4-7 June, the Bulgarian Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forestry, ELARD and the Association Bulgarian National LEADER Network held the 5th Annual International LEADER/CLLD Conference in Albena (Bulgaria).
Along with Lozana Vasileva, Deputy Minister from the Bulgarian Ministry of Continue reading →
Estonian LEADER Union in co-operation with Rural Network and Ministry of Rural Affairs organised the LEADER/CLLD event “Community-Led Local Development in Europe and Estonia in 2021-2027” in Tallinn on 17th May.
Representatives from ELARD, DG Agri, Regio and European Economic Continue reading →
On 2-3 May in Brussels took place the AgriResearch conference dedicated to innovation and its key role in shaping the future of farming and rural communities. ELARD participated, represented by Kirsten Birke-Lund.
Attended by over 500 participants, this conference was Continue reading →
On 11 April, the exploratory opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on ‘Advantages of the Community-led Local Development (CLLD) approach for integrated local and rural development’ was published in the Official Journal of the European Union, after Continue reading →