ELARD General Assembly 3.2.2021

ELARD General Assembly 3.2.2021

In our first meeting this year, we treated important matters such as the hiring-process of our administrative coordination officer and the next steps in the Long Term Vision of Rural Areas. 26 participants from 20 members were present.

We had some great presentation and introduction from Mrs Iwona Lizstwan, our new colleague at the EC DG AGRI. Other interesting information was delivered from Mr Stefan Kah on his and LD-nets EU-wide analysis of CLLD “Cohesion Policy in Rural Areas and the role of CLLD”. Finally, inspiring information from Mr Stefan Niedermoser around how Austrian LEADER-Forum are working with communication and qualitywork, from which we all can learn a lot, was delivered. We already look forward to our next meeting!


You can find the presentation from Mr Kah here: Cohesion Policy in Rural Areas and the role of CLLD

the rest of the material can be found on the members web.