Supported positions
Positions from ELARD’s Member Networks

MANIFESTO of the 1st Rural Parliament of Kosovo
This is a joint statement on the ambitions, commitments and demands of the rural community, adopted by the representative of the rural community of Kosovo.

Position paper “Europe needs LEADER” (2018)
In this paper the German national LEADER association BAG LAG summarizes its main messages regarding LEADER for the next programming period.

Conclusions from the SEE LEADER Conference 2019. For more information, please visit: SEE LEADER.
European Committee of the Regions

The CoR’s contribution to the renewed Territorial Agenda, with special emphasis on community-led local development (2019)
In this document the CoR outlines policy recommendations for regional development with the aim to increase the influence of regions and local authorities in Europe.
The opinion is also available in the following languages: [BG] [CS] [DA] [DE] [EL] [ES] [ET] [FI] [FR] [HR] [HU] [IT] [LT] [LV] [MT] [NL] [PL] [PT] [RO] [SK] [SL] [SV]
European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

Advantages of the CLLD approach (2017) (different languages available)
The EESC assessed the potential of CLLD to contribute to the aims of the EU and formulated proposals for the next programming period.
European Commission

The Future of Food and Farming (2017) The European Commission analysed the current situation of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which includes the LEADER programme. The proposal aims to match more closely citizens’ needs and European challenges.Cork 2.0 Declaration (2016) and Cork 2.0 Action Plan (2017) The participants of the European Conference on Rural Development in Cork, Ireland formulated these orientations for a rural policy in the EU. This is the final document of a Seminar organised by DG AGRI and the ENRD in Båstad, Sweden. More material about the seminar can be found here.
European Rural Parliament

European Rural Parliament
Rural People’s Declaration of Kielce, 2022 5th gathering ERP
European Rural Manifesto (2017)
(This is the update of the message from 2017) This is the statement of the aspirations, commitments and demands of the European Rural Parliament campaigns from 2015 to 2017.
The Venhorst Declaration (2017)
The participants of the 3rd European Rural Parliament formulated this declaration as advice on how to assure the well-being of all rural communities throughout the wider Europe and as contribution to the discussion about the next programming period in the EU.
Our message to the European Institutions, Governments and Rural Citizens of Europe (2017) – long version– short Version
This Message is the outcome of widespread consultation among rural communities throughout Europe and debate at the 3rd European Rural Parliament held in 2017 about the future policies in the EU.
European Countryside Movement

Building on the resilience of rural territories in the post-Covid-19 period (2020)
The organisations of the European Countryside Movement stress the importance of rural territories for the recovery, and await the
establishment of a European Rural Agenda and give reccommendations in this position.
A significant step closer towards a European Rural Agenda (2018)
The European Countryside Movement welcomes the adoption, by the European Parliament, of the “Rural European Agenda” – a resolution in favour of rural territories, which focused on their challenges and concluded as to the necessity to adopt a strategic and an operational framework.