Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes


RUSTIK summary

Rural Sustainability Transitions through Integration of Knowledge for improved policy processes

RUSTIK is a four-year transdisciplinary research project aiming to enable rural communities’ actors and policy makers to design better strategies, initiatives and policies fostering sustainability transitions of rural areas. In consideration of increasing social and ecological challenges, the project envisages an analysis of current adaption requirements and the support of effective rural policy-making processes. The project will contribute to an advanced understanding of different rural functionalities and characteristics as well as the potentials and challenges of rural areas.

The project focusses on co-creating process innovation on data collection, integration and analysis, and on improving governance and policy frameworks. RUSTIK will establish a network of 14 Living Labs in Pilot Regions across ten countries covered by the consortium. Each Living Lab will be co-convened by a research and a Pilot Region practice partner ensuring work balances both needs.

The project implementation period is 2022-2025. Total budget – 6 776 500€

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Central-specific objectives are to provide:

  • a robust methodological framework for functional rural areas
  • databases integrating data of different types and sources
  • improved strategies and governance approaches for rural decision makers and stakeholders
  • improved approaches for rural impact assessment and decentralised rural proofing

Expected outcomes

Data bases at regional and European level ​

  • 14 databases at regional level ​
  •  RUSTIK information sys

Improved knowledge and capacity ​

  • Novel data collection and analysis methods
  • Understanding of diversity and dynamics of rural areas

Methods and processes for policy and strategy design and assessment ​

  • Standardised model for decentralised rural proofing
  • Intervention design approaches​
  • Improved policy governance framework​