On October 17th at FAO Headquarters, SALSA will participate at a side event of the Committee on World Food Security entitled Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems for Family Farming: Multi-stakeholder processes to develop capacities to innovate for food and nutrition security. It will focus on innovation as the driving force that can transform food systems and lift family farmers out of poverty to help the world achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It will look at the crucial role of multi-stakeholder processes in fostering innovation at the local, national and global levels. Farmers are at the centre of the transformative change agenda for achieving the sustainable development goals, specifically, zero hunger and poverty alleviation.
On this occasion, SALSA coordinator Teresa Pinto Correia will present the project’s territorial food systems approach and methodology based on a multistakeholder engagement. The SALSA research, in order to improve understanding of small farms and their role in food and nutrition security, identified five main types of small farms to reveal diverse small farm situations and livelihood strategies. The variability and differences between the types also allow for improved policy recommendations. During the event, special attention will be given to illustrate the participation and involvement in SALSA of stakeholders and practitioners, which significantly enhanced the quality of the SALSA research.
SALSA, an EU-funded, transdisciplinary, research project
SALSA works for a better understanding of how small farms and food businesses contribute to sustainable food and nutrition security (FNS). The Horizon 2020 research project gathers 16 European and African partners, including research institutes, universities and farmers’ organizations, whose combined experience is key to unravel the complex relationships between small-scale farming and global food and nutrition security.
Under the umbrella of the Horizon 2020 program, SALSA pioneers a novel integrated multi-method approach in 25 regions in Europe and 5 in Africa, using the most recent and innovative technologies, such as SENTINEL-2 satellite imagery, food systems mapping and participatory foresight analysis. By using a transdisciplinary approach and developing an in-depth analysis of food systems in the 30 reference regions, the project intends to evaluate the potential response of small farms and food businesses to expected increases in demand for food, feed and fibre.
In addition, SALSA also aims to identify and assess the governance frameworks that influence the contribution of small-scale farming to food and nutrition security. Accordingly, SALSA is working on policy recommendations to enhance the contribution of small farms to sustainable food nutrition security and address innovation needs in order to maintain food system diversity and stability in the face of potential shocks. These recommendations are intended to guide decision-makers involved in national, regional and global debates on agricultural policy and research.
SALSA reports and publications published so far: http://www.salsa.uevora.pt/en/salsa-reportspublications/salsa-reportspublications-2/
Find the flyer with the programm of the event Strengthening Agricultural Innovation Systems for Family Farming: Multi-stakeholder processes to develop capacities to innovate for food and nutrition security HERE
More about SALSA
http://www.salsa.uevora.pt/; http://www.fao.org/in-action/small-farmsbusinesses-sustainable-food-nutrition/en/