ELARD held General Assembly on the 20th of May and welcomed NORDK from Kosovo and Luxembourg NRN as our new members. Now ELARD are 28 members and more than 2200 LAGs around Europe are affiliated.
Also our vison-work made it to the meeting and ELARD members now share the vision “A viable rural Europe through participatory democracy in all rural areas and beyond”.
We had an interesting visit from Mr Anguel Beremliysky from the Commission, introducing to us the Conference on the Future of Europe. There are great possibilities to combine LAGs work with strategies with the conference – so check it out!
GA also handled infromation of activites during 2021, very important for us is the question of added value, and 30 years of LEADER.
First webinar will be coming up on the 23rd of June at 14-16:00 Hrs. many members are celebrating LEADER 30 years. The first conference kicking of in Austria on the 1st of June, keep eyes open for further events from all our members.
And we tried to network in mozilla.hubs. New experience but we can do it!