This meeting had participation from all the Civil Dialogue Groups under the CAP, and the purpose was to present the conclusions and recommendations from the study carried out on the functioning of the CDGs within the CAP. The presentation was followed by a Q&A-session and parallel to this a very lively chat-activity took place amongst the participants.
The main recommendations from ELARD were: Changing the language regime to English only; Improving the interactivity (also amongst the participants – which again will be affected by the language regime); Adopting the “voices being equal” principle where each Member Organisation will be allocated one seat.
Especially concerning the last point ELARD has to consider how much and in how many of the CDG we want to take part for the coming programme period. For now, ELARD is member of one CDG out of 13.
The full report can be found here – and you can read the full ELARD report in our members folder.