ELARD General Assembly 2024 in Brussels: End of the French Presidency and Welcome to the New President

ELARD General Assembly 2024 in Brussels: End of the French Presidency and Welcome to the New President

The last ELARD General Assembly of this year occurred on the 4th of December in Brussels.

This final meeting was undoubtedly both important and emotional, marking the end of the French Presidency under Thibaut Guignard from Leader France, electing a new President and Council, welcoming new members and assessing the activities carried out.

We warmly congratulate Piotr Sadłocha from the Polish Network of LAGs for his election and new role as President of ELARD. Mr. Piotr Sadłocha will take on his new functions as of the 1st of January 2025.

We also would like to congratulate and welcome the new Council and Vice-Presidents: María José Murciano Sánchez from the Spanish Network for Rural Development, elected as Vice-President together with Argyrο Tsimpri representing the Hellenic Network of LAGs, Mrs. Neli Kadieva from the Bulgarian National LEADER Network as new Council member with Gabriel O’Connell from the Irish Local Development Network and Jan Florian from the National Network of Local Action Groups of the Czech Republic.

It was also the occasion to welcome a new ELARD member: Flanders, represented by the LEADER Netwerk Vlaanderen.

A member meeting also took place in the afternoon, with different topics raised for ELARD’s future advocacy and project activities.