Co-operation Partners


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The European Rural Parliament (ERP) is a long-term campaign to express the voice of rural people in Europe and to promote self-help and action by the rural people, in partnership with civil society and governments. The campaign reaches a climax every two years with a gathering of rural people from all parts of the wider Europe. Between the gatherings the ERP co-operates across Europe to identify and report key rural issues and implement the recommendations of the biennial gathering.
The ERP began with the first gathering in 2013 and has since held gatherings in 2015 and 2017. The next gathering will be held this year in Spain.

The ERP was co-initiated by the three networks “European Rural Community Alliance” (ERCA), “PREPARE Partnership for Rural Europe” and ELARD. It involves National Partners in 40 countries and 5 European-wide networks.

Please find here the link to the website.

Co-operation Partners


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Please find here the link to the website.

European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

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Already set up by the 1957 Rome Treaties the EESC is a consultative body that gives representatives of Europe’s socio-occupational interest groups a formal platform to express their points of view on EU issues.

Please find here the link to the website.

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Please find here the link to the website.

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Please find here the link to the website.

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