On March 14, an information session on the achievements and perspectives of LEADER in Moldova was held in Brussels, in the premises of the European Network for Rural Development. This important meeting brought together, representatives of the National LEADER Network Continue reading →
On January 30, ELARD Members held a meeting in Brussels with representatives of Local Action Groups Networks of 16 Member States, under the project “ROAD – Rural Opinions, Advocacy and Development”, in which ELARD is leading the theme “LEADER/CLLD for Continue reading →
Invited by ELARD to present a keynote paper on LEADER for the international LEADER Reloaded Conference, held last September, in Évora, Portugal, Robert Lukesch, a renowned LEADER evaluator since 1995, wrote a “wide-ranging” and also “remarkable” keynote paper applauded by Continue reading →
ELARD took part in the LEADER/CLLD Subgroup meeting which intended to update members on the CAP reform proposals for LEADER and the post 2020 legal framework, as well as on the implementation of LEADER and LEADER cooperation activities. The improvement Continue reading →
Over 20 representatives of the EU-supported Georgian Association of Local Action Groups (GALAG) gathered on 14-16 December in Tbilisi to participate in a workshop organized by ELARD.
After a first training module for GALAG held on 12-14 July in Batumi, Continue reading →
Representatives from the Czech Republic, Croatia, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden gathered in the building of ENRD and FARNET offices, in Brussels on the 10th of December Continue reading →
ELARD and a SAFEA delegation met in Brussels, and they presently invited the European Commission.
This high-level meeting, that involved the participation of DG AGRI representatives and members of the Cabinet of the European Commission Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Continue reading →
The President of ELARD, Maria João Botelho, was invited by the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development of the European Parliament (EP) to speak at the joint public hearing on LEADER experiences on 22 November, in Brussels.