The association “Latvian Rural Forum” was organizing an initiative “Dižprojekts” (meaning: The Grand project) this year for the 10th time – a competition for projects that are implemented by LEADER approach. As every year, each Local Action Group (LAG) had Continue reading →
Please find the joint press release by the Committee of Regions and the RUMRA & Smart Villages Intergroup, in which ELARD are members, on the occasion of the “Rural Vision Week”
The LEADER-method officially turnded 30 years old on the 15th of March: On 15 March 1991, the Commission of the European Communities, acting pursuant to Article 11 of Regulation (EEC) No 4253/88 (Official Journal No L 374 of 31.12.1988) decided Continue reading →
A new study of LEADER, commissioned by DG AGRI, is currently underway. The aim of the evaluation is to explore the impact of LEADER on the CAP strategic goal of Balanced Territorial Development across Europe. It is Continue reading →
The project’s contribution to the development of a future vision for rural areas has been published and it aims to feed into the ongoing debate. The Position Paper presents the key issues identified by the 20 regional and national SHERPA Multi-Actor Platforms (MAPs), and by the EU-level MAP. Many ELARD members are present in the national MAPs, ELARD is represented in the EU-MAP.
The work carried out by the MAPs helped them identify their desired visions for 2040, alongside enabling factors, opportunities to seize and challenges to overcome.
A key message that resulted from MAPs contribution can be summaries as follows:
European rural areas are attractive in their own right and, as a consequence of the high quality of life available, many such areas are appealing places to live, work and visit.
Due to Covid, the 5th ERP gathering is postponed to autumn 2022. This will give better chances to organise a traditional face-to-face Gathering with many participants and offers the possibility to keep up with Gathering traditions and activities in a Continue reading →
Our second meeting this year took place on the 3.3.2021. On the agenda was:
the State of Play in our members organisations – an overview on how the 2014-20 is being implemented, the transitionperiod in each memberstate, as well as Continue reading →
The fifth implementation report of the CoR’s RegHub Network, on the impact of the CAP on rural development, covering Regulations (EU) No. 1307/2013, 1305/2013 and 1308/2013. The focus of this report has been on the capacity of the Continue reading →
In our first meeting this year, we treated important matters such as the hiring-process of our administrative coordination officer and the next steps in the Long Term Vision of Rural Areas. 26 participants from 20 members were present.